Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Blog 2 - Reflection for Day 1 - 1st September 2010

Learning Mathematics concepts need not be directive. Children are actively constructing their knowledge when they are involved in the learning process.

Educators, can make use of Mathematics concepts, to perform MAGIC in class!

The opening activity was an invitation to the magical world of Mathematics! A simple usage of 10 poker cards creates an illusion that we can "call out" the cards that we wanted. Getting the children to spell the numbers will never be boring anymore.

I have been using dice to teach Mathematics but tonight's activity got me to ponder other ways to teach mathematical concepts beyond throwing the dice. Though we are all teaching additions using dice; tonight's activity is a step beyond the usual activity that I have done. It gets the children to process their logical thinking skills (at least I did!), and most importantly, to persevere and never give up trying!

I had fun playing the "paper clips" game. It takes a few rounds of playing before we could reach some conjectures, tested them out before we can use the strategies to win the game.

What I have learnt today? Mathematical concepts can be learned through daily learning opportunities. The activities definitely "WOWed" me! Now, the challenge is to teach Mathematics concepts so that my children can have many "WOWs" in my class too.

There is not a single dull moment in class; I was anticipating one magic after another. I had great fun today and can't wait to find out more for the next class!

I bet the children will be excited to learn if we are excited in our teaching process too!

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